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The Area Surrounding Cortijo Las Minas Equestrian Centre
Cortijo Las Minas Equestrian Centre is situated in an area of uncomparable natural beauty. We are surrounded by mountains such as the "Sierra de Loja" and those behind Villanueva del Trabuco, where the river Guadalhorce has its source, to the east and southeast, the Subbética Ranges of Priego de Córdoba and Rute to the north which dominate the vast Lake at Iznájar and the course of the river Genil and to the west the mountains of Archidona which give way to the vast plains of the centre of Andalusia. Between these ranges there is a very varied landscape.
Salinas is on a plateau which is bordered by wooded hills where there are large extensions of indigenous Mediterranean forest, cultivation of cereals, olive and almond groves and scrubland, hidden amonst these hills are the Lagunas of Salinas, a natural park which is home to a large number of water fowl.
The main agricultural activity is olive farming. A few kilometres from here just in the province of Córdoba you will find the enormous Iznájar Lake with its idyllic atmosphere of peace and quiet.
Between Salinas and Loja there is a practically unaccessable area wich is almost completely uninhabited. Streams flow through unspoilt valleys forming deep gorges where the natural world is completely unrivalled. Riding a horse in this area is a luxury and an unforgettabe experience.
Salinas is situated in the centre of Andalusia. Our nearest town is Archidona at about 10 Km. to the west of Cortijo Las Minas Equestrian Centre. The most important town in the area is Antequera at 30 Km. from here. Loja is 15 Km. to the east. Villanueva de Tapia is just north of us at 4 Km, followed by Iznájar at 20 Km and then Rute at 35 Km. To the south are the towns of Villanueva del Trabuco and Villanueva del Rosario, then towards Málaga - Villanueva de la Concepción, Casabermeja and Colmenar.
There are many things to do and places to visit in this area, specially museums, monuments, churches, convents, castles and places of ancient civilization in the towns and villages. There are many natural parks and sites of special scientific interest. There are many other outdoor activities for those who don't ride horses or who practise more than one sport.